
The Apple of My Ear
It’s been a while since I touched down here, sidetracked by a cross-country road trip, then, thanks to Apple’s AirPod Pro 2’s,—surprise— a reconnection with music!

Pollen swirls on the river current, HLAA’s annual conference offers solid ground for anyone with hearing loss, and Matt Hay’s memoir can stir your soul.

The Frog in Hot Water
It’s leap year and World Hearing Day approaches! — Would that that meant that on March 3rd, the day designated as “World Hearing Day” everyone in the world could hear! And listen to each other! But that’s another story.
A New Day, A New Year
I launched hearability.space in 2023 with the goal of exploring how the ability to hear is compromised and how hearing-related activities and technologies can improve the experience. The exploration continues!

S-Word, Part 2
It’s Almost Halloween: Look Stigma in the Eye and say BOO!
My recent article, “The S-Word,” sparked some strong reactions, which prompted me to try to further clarify my perspective.

The S-Word
Technology for managing hearing loss has evolved. Talking points haven’t kept up.
The following piece is especially intended for everyone in the hearing healthcare industry and those (like me) who talk about this stuff with the desire to improve the lot of the hearing impaired.

Here’s to Your Hearing Health!
Government oversight is slow to change, but it’s changing.
On April 21, 2016, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) hosted a workshop to gather perspectives on how to remedy untreated hearing loss, which the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) had identified as a serious national problem. I was invited to speak, and in my allotted 15 minutes I argued in favor of PCAST’s recommendations, which sought ways to “open up the market for innovative hearing technologies.”